Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


Is the validity and authority of the modern period absolute? Is the future merely the realm of further domination of the modern world? In order to provide an answer to such a question, we must think about technology. Why? Precisely because technology is the source of power and dominance of the modern world. The fate of this world is linked to the nature and durability of technology. This article seeks to give a fresh understanding of the relationship between the modern world and the question by reflecting on the reality of technology. This article seeks to give a new understanding of the relationship between the modern world and technology through reflection on the question of the truth of technology. In the light of this reflection, it can be seen that how the historical power and prestige of the modern period originated from thought in ancient Greece, and now it has emerged in demand focused on the power of technology and has expanded into the realm of sciences.


فهرست منابع
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