Document Type : Research Paper
ًAssistant Professor of Religious Studies and Islamic Theology Department, Quran and Hadith University
Focusing on the will to power and reach the superman, Nietzsche's moral thought despises any system based on human humiliation, and introduces Christianity for promoting the morality of slavery, as the morality of the weak, which its emphasis on the original sin and inherent pollution of man kills the spirit of will and power and self-esteem in people. Applying a phenomenological method, this research has tried to find the Islamic teachings which drew Nietzsche's attention and to explore the consistency of his intellectual system with those teachings. According to him, Islam is a religion that recognizes the passion, will, selectivity, and authenticity of man and has an honest understanding of human nature, and a positive and realistic view of the world that is in line with Nietzsche's philosophy and especially the idea of the will to power. Moreover, the theory of perspectivism has contributed to a pluralistic understanding of religions, and the adaptation of some Islamic teachings to parts of his philosophical apparatus has provided him with a positive view of Islam. Paying attention to the realm of the heart and emotion in the mystical wisdom of Islam has also been consistent with its principles in the critique of modern reason.
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